2008年11月12日 星期三



Journey into the past

Life in the New World was very different from life in England. Oliver often saw large brightly colored snades in the fields. "Never touch them!" warned his father. And the food was strange too. There was a bird much larger than a hen that their mother sometimes cooked for them. "the native Indians call it a turkey," said his mother. "Come on, Oliver. Finish it! I bet you one day everybody's going to eat them!" But Oliver didn't like turkey!
"Wake up, Oliver! Wake up! You're going to be late for school!" Oliver sat up in bek. His mother and Martha were standing at his bidroom door. " Have you decided exactly what you're going to write for your project?" ask Martha. "were those notes from the Internet useful?" "Yes," said Oliver. "I really understand everything now! And I know just what I'm going to write!" "But isn't history boring?" asked his mother, surprised. "That's what you said last night!" "No, it isn't!" said Oliver. "Not any more!"

2008年9月29日 星期一


Kenny and Angelica are brother and sister. Kenny likes to eat a lot of candy and drink pop, while Angelica likes to eat noodles and drink lemonade. Kenny loves to play soccer, while Angelica doesn't like sports. They went to the supermarket together yesterday. Angelica said,
" You need to eat some healthy food Kenny!" Kenny said," Okay. I'll buy some fruits and cheese to eat
, Do you want to play soccer with me today?" "No, I don't I want to stay at home and watch TV!" said Angelica.

Please give Angelica an advice.(health rule)


爸爸眼中的我,是一個可愛、 聰明 、活潑又機 伶的孩子,但是我做事會懶惰,不過我也會幫媽媽照顧弟弟,所以爸爸總是以我為榮喔!希望我不要半途而廢以牙還牙、還希望我能雪中送碳,不要粗心大意

2008年9月28日 星期日


The Foods I Eat

Would you like a piece of bread?


No,thank you.

I'd like a piece of cheese, please